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Our Belief

Jesus said "My Church" in the New Testament ( Matthew 16:18 ). This is the only one true church that we seek to be members of. Our strategy is to follow closely to the blueprint/pattern of the church that belongs to Christ, described in Bible. Jesus prayed that all His followers should be one and not divided into differing groups ( John 17:20-21 ). 

All His people are members of the one church of which Jesus Himself is the only head (Ephesians 1:22,23). Thus, we have no denominational name nor creed, no earthly authority figurehead nor headquarters. Jesus Christ who is in Heaven, seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1 ) is our only authority for all spiritually matters.

Each congregation of Christians governs itself under the authority of Christ and His word in the New Testament. The church seeks to be overseen by elders and served by deacons when there are men who meet all the qualifications laid down in the New Testament (1 Timothy 3:1-3 ). Do contact the elders, deacons, or preachers of the church to find out more, we will be happy to talk with you.


Jurong Church Of Christ

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