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Eugene Chee


Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) refers to the use of mechanical instruments as an accompaniment to Christian singing. In 2001, CCM accounted for more than $1 billion USD in sales. CCM is a growing trend today in the form of a growing denominational church movement, with CCM bands holding concerts and producing CDs. Their songs are easily available on music apps like Spotify and Youtube, like how you would find any English pop songs. With their growing popularity in our modern day context, would it be permissible for a Christian to listen to, or even sing along to CCM?

If we look at the Bible with an open heart, and with an attitude of “God, what would you have me to do?”, we will understand that what we do must be according to God’s permission (Col 3:17). If we look at music in New Testament worship, we see that singing is the only authorized form of music in worship to God (Eph 5:19, Col 3:16). We are commanded to sing and make melody with our hearts, and to teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. If God specifies the form of music that He wants, any other form of music will be an addition to God’s word. That includes mechanical instruments, clapping, and other non-verbal, articulate sounds like humming or beatboxing.

Some may say, “that rule only applies to worship. Outside of worship, we can sing hymns with mechanical instruments”. And they may refer to worship as the official worship hour from 10.30am to 12pm on Sunday mornings. Is it true that the rule of singing only applies to worship? Let’s first look at the acts of worship. We have singing, praying, partaking of the Lord’s supper, contribution, and preaching. Two of the acts are given a specific frequency when stated in the Bible. We have examples of Christian meeting together on the first day of the week to partake of the Lord’s supper, and also for the contribution. For singing and prayer, though they are acts of worship, there are examples of Christians performing either of them outside of the official worship hours on the first day of the week. When Paul and Silas were singing in prison (Acts 16:25), they still followed the rules of singing without the use of mechanical instruments. Hence, we are forced to conclude that there is no biblical authority in singing with mechanical instruments during and even outside of Sunday worship. Hence, if Christians were to gather for midweek Bible class, small fellowship sessions, or even peer to peer house visits, the rules of singing still apply. When we sing hymns to God, we must always keep God in mind, and follow His authority.

Others may say, “I’m not using the song for worship, I’m singing along as entertainment, akin to a pop song. If I am singing a song to God in worship, then all of the rules apply. But if I am singing a song that has God’s name in it, but I am singing it for entertainment like a pop song, then the rules do not apply and I can add mechanical instruments in the music.” Can a Christian sing a hymn of praise, for entertainment, and not think about God? When I sing “What a friend we have in Jesus”, is it possible to sing the hymn without thinking about Jesus, and start to play a guitar along with the music as a form of entertainment? One must be careful as CCM contains the name of God or refers to God in various terms like Lord, and Saviour. If I am singing hymns to God for entertainment purposes, then I am guilty of taking the Lord’s name in vain (Exo 20:7).

How about if I were to listen to CCM in my car or at home, would that be all right? If you ask those bands performing CCM whether they think they are worshipping God, they will say yes, even though we know it is wrong and sinful. So if we continue to support their music, then we are supporting those who are in error in their worship to God.

The appeal of CCM is Satan’s deception to pull Christians away from acceptable authorised Christian music. It may very well be the case where CCM starts off being played at a home, or at a small gathering, and faithful Christians are afraid to stand up to it. That is when CCM will slowly encroach and become acceptable until eventually it replaces worship entirely. 

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